Monday, May 23, 2011

Make 100% Profit Selling Paint

How to make 100% profit selling plaster painting paint.

The $2.00 shops are not always the best way to go. They may sell packed acrylic paints at dirt cheap prices but you can save even more by repacking your own. Most plaster painting studios use glass vials preferably with a screw on plastic lid rather than a plastic vial with a push on cap, which has a tendency to leak.

We have been searching and testing many plastic containers with push on lids which are around the size of a 50c coin. These look much bigger than the glass vials and are very easy to fill. Many plastic vials tested have leaked however we have found some that show no sign of leaking and are quite reasonably priced.

You can now choose from glass or plastic type containers. What type of paint gives the best finish on plaster. The answer to this question is acrylic paint. It is easy to use and is really easy to clean up if you are quick, as it is water based. Once it dries it is a different story. This type of paint when dry can prove very difficult to remove from clothing. It might be a good idea to offer an apron to your regular clients.

After much searching we have sourced a quality acrylic paint from one of our suppliers in Melbourne packed in 2 litre containers that can be set up to pump fill your containers without spilling a drop. It is available in the primary colours that can be intermixed for a full palette of colours. The price is very attractive in that a single bottle sells for $11.95 including GST while the set of six colours have a trade price of only $9.95 each. If you think about it, if you sell between 100 and 200 vials to resell to your students at about $1.00 per container it will cost you about 10c or less for the paint.

To aid in filling your containers pumps can be fitted to your 2 litre bottles. Simply pump the paint into the containers. Another way to make some money out of plaster painting is to resell a range of brushes.

Many have told me the $2.00 shops have cheap brushes but they only come in assorted sizes, most of which you don't want. Chinese white pigs bristle size 6 brushes are the most useful brush for a plaster painting studio. Any smaller and it will take too long to paint and become tedious. Any larger and you will lose detail and waste too much paint.

To overcome this problem we are carrying bulk stocks of just this size at a very reasonable price. Once the students leave make sure you wash out your brushes and they will last for years.

We wish you much success.

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